In the hearts & homes of Australians for more than 60 years
Donation FAQs
Why support Queensland Meals on Wheels services?
Meals on Wheels is an iconic charity that has been bringing local communities together nationwide for over 65 years.
The 6,500 volunteers who make Meals on Wheels possible deliver just over 2.6 million meals a year to more than 19,000 people in Queensland with a wide variety of support needs, not just meals for seniors. We help people who are recovering after hospitalisation, a major illness or surgery, people with a disability, carers, or people requiring assistance due to a special circumstance.
The volunteers provide much needed social interaction and a link to the community so our housebound clients are not so isolated.
Meals on Wheels offer much more than a meal by providing a daily visit to monitor the health and well being of the clients who may not see anyone else during the day.
Limited government funding for Meals on Wheels services and a growing need for our services in the community means increasing reliance upon the help of many generous volunteers, monetary donations and also benefactors to assist us in our role.
Donations and bequests are a tangible way of ensuring continuance of quality care for people with a wide variety of support needs thus enabling them to reside for as long as possible where they are most happiest – in their own home.
Where do the funds go?
We ensure all monies raised help us make a real difference to local Queensland communities by assisting our financially disadvantaged clients.
How will my donation make a difference?
Your generosity, at both an individual and corporate level, will go towards ensuring that this wonderful service stays strong and continues to offer valuable and important work supporting the community.
Donations to our fully tax deductible gift fund will help us to assist our most marginalised clients, for example:
$30 – provides a nutritious three course meal for two days for a Queenslander living with a disability;
$75 – provides a nutritious three course meal for five days for an elder within the community;
$650 – subsidises the monthly petrol costs for our volunteers at one Service to deliver meals and a cheery smile to our valued clients.Your support will go towards ensuring that this wonderful service remains a part of the community fabric for many years to come.