In the hearts & homes of Australians for more than 60 years
What is the cost of a meal?
what is the cost of a meal?
Meals on Wheels clients pay a fee for each meal delivered to their door. Every effort is made to keep meals as affordable as possible, particularly as many recipients are on a pension. Cost of meals and menu choices vary from service to service and depend upon conditions and factors prevailing to the particular area of the local service. Variations in the cost of meat, fruit and vegetables all affect the meal price therefore each local Meals on Wheels service sets the cost for its meals. It is through a combination of volunteers, Government assistance, clients and the wonderful community support which meets the cost of producing the meals.
To find out more or arrange for meals, you can:
- Call us on 1300 90 97 90 (8:00am to 4:00pm Mon-Fri) OR
- Contact your local Meals on Wheels service OR
- Make an Online Referral.
Payment for the meals is arranged with your local Meals on Wheels service provider.